So you’re graduating? Congratulations! All your hard work, long nights, boring lectures, and hangovers were worth it. For the first time since you were a kid, you don’t have to study anymore - provided you don’t undertake anymore studies. This is an exciting time in your life. Welcome to the real world!
So what are you going to do? Don’t worry, we know this question is as exciting as it is daunting. If you spoke to ten different people about what to do next, it’s very likely that you’ll get a different answer from each one of them. This highlights what makes this stage of your life so exciting and scary at the same time: There isn’t a single correct answer to this question.
Sure, there are some choices that are better than others, but there are plenty of good paths to take. The difference between these paths is simply which is best for you. What is best for you will not be always what is best for someone else.
We aren’t going to tell you which path to take, but instead give you some food for thought to help you figure this out for yourself.
Here is what you need to do to prepare for life after university:
Pick your own Path
You chose your subjects in school that led to a degree. You’ve chosen a degree that led to a job. Surely this means you now have to go and get that job, right? Yes. And, no. If this is what you want, go for it! However, this isn’t the only path available to you.
Take a gap year if you like, move to another country, try and work in a different field - it’s up to you. There are no rules. There are people who completed university and those who haven’t who have been equally successful. This is the beauty of your position, you can choose your path and change direction at anytime.
The trick is to pick a path and start walking. It’s the only way to know if it's the right direction or not.
Save some Cash
Do yourself a favour and save some money. It’s highly likely that you won’t be on the big bucks when you leave uni and that’s ok. However, saving is a habit, a habit you will need later in life for when bigger decisions come along like houses, kids, investments - the real adult stuff.
If you can learn to save when you have no money, you’ll have it mastered by the time you’ve started to really earn. Even if you start with as little as £5 a week, this will only grow over time (if you leave it alone of course) and you’ll have something set aside just in case.
If you’d like to take this a step further, learn what you can about money. Understand the basics like credit, income tax, banks, investing, and interest rates. You don’t need to be the next Warren Buffet, but this understanding goes such a long way and will only help you later in life.
Try new things
The best part of being where you are right now is the amount of time that you have. You have the time to try something, change your mind or make a mistake, and start again. It’s likely that now is the time of your life when you have the least amount of responsibilities (no mortgage, kids etc) and the most freedom. Now is the time to try new things. If you’ve never been overseas - travel if you can. If you’ve always wanted to learn a language, now is the time. Experiment with your fashion choices, try a new cuisine, start a combat sport - just try new things. One of the most valuable things in life is experience. Use your gift of time to experience and learn more about life and who you are.
The best part is, if you decide you’re not entirely sold on who you are, you have the time to grow and change. Or, the time to accept and appreciate yourself. It’s up to you.
Find a job
Just get a job. Any job. There are so many lessons that you’ll learn outside of the classroom and you don’t start learning them until you go to work. Whether you’re to pursue a career or not, get yourself to work and start earning some money. Not only will this start to build your resume, you’ll gain valuable experience, earn the money you need to do things, and maybe even make some friends along the way.
Don’t get too hung up on finding the perfect job right away. If you end up in something you don’t like, you’ll learn some valuable lessons. Understanding what you don’t want is a great way to figure out what you do want.
After reading this, you’ve hopefully realised that what happens next is up to you! As daunting as that may sound, we guarantee it is just as exciting. The most important thing you can do is to just make a decision - any decision - and to get moving. If things don’t work out, that’s ok. You’ve got time to start again, and again. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and don’t compare yourself to others. What’s good for some won’t be good for others.
Choose your own path and be brave enough to stick to it, or to move to another. It’s up to you.
Good luck.
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